Sunday, November 9, 2008

"Just As I Am" - Before I Say 'I Do' Pt 6

Below is an excerpt from a letter I wrote to Mi Amor.

“My sister was telling me about a young pastor she was listening to once and he was talking about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. When they ate the forbidden fruit, their eyes were opened. You know the story already I am sure. They covered their bodies with figs because they were naked. But its deeper than that, they were hiding the things they were ashamed of. She was telling me how when you love a person, you can not have those figs. You should be naked to each other. You should love everything about them. Embrace the things they hide in dark corners and make them feel safe about it. Comfort them. Just as God would comfort you. I was getting blown away but she wasn’t done. She also spoke about how when Jesus rose from the dead. When He was among His disciples, to prove He had risen, He told I think Peter to touch Him in the places where He was wounded. She said to let someone touch your wounds, it hurts. So you only show what really hurts you to your real friend.”

The rest of the letter was for her eyes only, but I want people to understand how important the meaning of coming naked to your running mate really is. Once God presents His person of choice, just like we come open to Him, we should be open to each other. Show our running mates the things that hurt us most. We can not cover up those things we are ashamed of. We have to be true to each other and not fall for the extensions of the person we meet. A lot of women wanted to jump on my band wagon when they found out the kind of car I drive. This is the example of someone just liking you because of what you have to offer.

Have you ever talked to someone and felt dumber after having that conversation? Have you ever had so many options in front of you at store you don’t buy anything because you are too unsure? That’s what happened when Adam and Eve bit the forbidden fruit, it gave them too many options, and too much knowledge. They became too aware of their surroundings and began to make decisions of their own, instead of following God. Things that are tempting on the surface are usually not good for you. That’s why God had them eating from the tree of life, because it represents all the things that edify the body to grow in the spirit of positivity.

Now that we are eating from the tree of life by reading God’s word and practicing it, we have to present ourselves with complete honestly to our future running mate. Yes there are things about us that we are not proud off, but we have to show those things to our running mates, and believe me, they will accept you. They will except you because they have issues themselves. When we get married, two people become one, operating as a single unit. One team, one dream.

* Genesis 2:21 – 25; Genesis 39:2-9; Acts 15:29; I Corinthians 6:18, 10:13; Jude 24-25; Matthew 6:1-4; Galations 5:16-24

1 comment:

LoveTeiaB said...

You know what's crazy... I'm at that age where EVERYBODY(high school and college classmates) around me are getting married. So i'm curious about a lot of things so I usually ask questions about how are they going to handle their finances and do their fiance know everything about thier past... and I MEAN EVERYTHING! And believe it or not I 've received mixed answers...answers you wouldn't believe... the only good Godlike righteous answers was from sister. I talked to five couples this year.