Sunday, November 9, 2008

"Face To Face" - Before I Say 'I Do' Pt 7

In the bible it speaks how a man should cleave to his wife. The definition of cleave in greek means welding. When two people get married, they become one flesh. This is important to think about because we need to be pure to each other. One person being righteous and another pretending, in the end will equal chaos. Like I spoke in “The Importance of Character”, hiding one mask beneath another, the hidden characteristics will be molded in as well. Look at Harvey Dent/Two Face.

Though his character was obviously scarred, it is a great representation of what happens when the welding goes wrong. When God does the welding, He welds spiritually. When we as humans try and do the welding, its always through emotion, or physical attraction. This form of welding always equals issues. Two Face was created through the emotion of loosing his fiancé Rachel. He felt like he lost his better half, so he replaced it with evil. Since Harvey and Rachel came together through emotion, when he lost her, he had no one else to turn to, nothing left. But when God molds you, if you ever lose your other half, you know you always have God to comfort you. God will be your husband/wife until He gives you someone else, or you go and be with Him.

“If a broken person mends with another broken person, or even a whole person, it creates broken children. Then those children grow up to do the same and the cycle continues.” (Solomon Kinloch Jr.) We have to come together properly not just for us, but for our children too. And for all the people who grew up in a household where our parents were always in a disagreement, you know what I mean. We have to let God do the welding. Only ten percent of a marriage is suppose to be bad. And that’s only because we are still human no matter what, so there will be conflict. But when we come together on human agreements, it’s a lot worse than that.

The devil also tries to sneak into your household and break the bond God has created. He will try to make things seem worse than they are, and have you over reacting about who drank the last of the milk. We have to remember "we wrestle not against flesh and blood.." In order to withstand those fiery darts, we must have on the full Armour of God.

* Genesis 2:21 – 25; Genesis 39:2-9; Acts 15:29; I Corinthians 6:18, 10:13; Jude 24-25; Matthew 6:1-4; Galations 5:16-24; Ephesians 6:12-19


LoveTeiaB said...

This post is perfect! Nothing else needed!

Wallo said...

I think Harvey Dent is a good effigy for your dialogue. Also, I like the reasoning, it makes sense to me