Saturday, July 18, 2009

"All the single Ladies, ALL the single Ladies!!"

***Warning. This is in no way a disrespect to the male race and our choices in women. Just stating a fact.***

Yesterday I had an epiphany while talking to my sister and her co-worker. Her co-worker was screaming about how can men ask for certain things, and they are even dating yet. Where my input began was saying "guys are simple, women are complex." But where it got interesting for me was when I said, "Men make the mistake of calling an independent woman stuck up or hard to get." To elaborate, we evaluated the difference between approaching a non-independent woman and an independent woman.

A non-independent woman you can approach any way you like, any time you like and she will give you attention, even if its to tell you "BYE!" More often you get the response you are looking for and you can quickly move on to your objective. Your chances of success are so high this typically the woman you seek out more often than not when you are at the bar.

An independent woman you have to catch at the right time to get her attention because if she is on a mission to handle some business she is not going to be distracted by YOU (unless you have something seriously going for you). Only way she will talk to you is if she approaches you, not the other way around. Too many times have I witnessed guys get shot down by an independent woman because he is use to the responses of a non-independent woman. Just won't work! I have been shot down as well, I would be a liar if I said I get them every time.

I get the independent woman (when I do succeed lol) because I caught at a moment when she is open, not closed. My sister made a joke, laughing as she says "That's why fools seem to slip through the cracks because they catch you at the right time." Most times she is closed and on her cell phone, so thats a no go. To get her attention, you must be able to break the ice SWIFTLY. Otherwise, she will chalk you up as a loser like the rest of the guys. You must be creative and original. For homework, watch in Hitch, the scene where Will Smith and Eva Mendes meet for the first time at the bar. Watch the interaction with the douchebag before Will and watch Will's. Most guys approach women such as Eva like the douchebag did, even if they have the creativity like Will. Difference is, Will got in 'dem drawers and not him! LMBO


Wallo said...

I might have to check that scene out... just to make sure my focus is right

Sterling J. Flint said...

Don't completely agree but there were certainly were some very lucrative points made.