Sunday, November 9, 2008

"Lights, Camera, Action!" - Before I say 'I Do' Pt 1

First thing I want to talk about is actions. In order to really find who it is God has set aside for us to marry, we must first practice the right actions. “Flee from fornication!” Not walk, skip, or jump, FLEE! Run from it. Fornication is “Any sexual immortality before marriage.” That includes thoughts as well. We are able to withstand temptation if it is presented to us, because God will not put us through any temptation we can not overcome. What we make the mistake of, is trying to still live with it. God gave us a desire of the opposite sex purposely. If reproducing was a boring process that took an exuberant amount of time, would there really be 6 billion people on this planet right now?

Fornication is not of God. And anything not of God must be pealed off us like the layers of a rose. We have to learn to rid ourselves of the things we hold currency to that seems innocent on the surface, but really it’s damaging if not handled with maturity, just like the thorns on a rose. And a rose is beautiful. But even if we find value in something as beautiful as rose petals, if God says “Its not of ME.”, then it has to go.

Let me be clear, there is nothing wrong with sex, just mishandled sex. God created the desire because He wants us to “be fruitful and multiply.” But this is not an excuse to have 10 baby mommas and 6 kids! And if you are wondering where the other 4 kids are, it’s the ones you aborted. (That is a topic for another day so please do not pause there, trippin’ about what I just said) ‘Adultery is the main thing that comes between couples. Not finances.’ And that’s because today, romance without finance, never even gets a chance.
But this is not just about your potential spouse, its about God. We are committing these adulterous acts against God. And every action has a reaction. And believe me, its not the one you want. When God teaches you a lesson, trust me, it gets taught! We have to be careful about what we let enter our minds. Because the enemy is plotting against you. And he wants to steal everything you have.

* Genesis 2:21 – 25; Genesis 39:2-9; Acts 15:29; I Corinthians 6:18, 10:13; Jude 24-25
Matthew 6: 1-4


Annitra said...

Wow! When me and my ex were together... we stopped having sex in like june/july of 07... because we were getting right with god & we had plans to get married next year... but I understand everything you are saying in this post... and believe that it is real!!!! Good Stuff!!!

Annitra said...

But u know how the story ended...

Myron Robert said...

yes i know it ended. but its not the end of you, its just the beginning.

Annitra said...
