Saturday, November 29, 2008

“Chemistry VS Compatibility” Pt 2

I want to expand on the idea of “Chemistry VS Compatibility” for a second. Compatibility is also a when two people come together and their goals, morals, aspirations, values, and characteristics are parallel. It’s having the same beliefs. Being a different person externally, but the same internally. It’s like having a Dell computer, but adding a HP hard drive to it. Different company, but the same TYPE of hard drive.

I went to the movies once with a special someone to see The Love Guru. Now before we actually went, everyone I knew told me that movie was whack and I didn’t want to go. But the special someone insisted that we go, and because her happiness overrides my own, I agreed with complete sincerity. We never laughed so hard together in our lives! I mean, our laughter was so compulsive and boisterous, if the movie theater had not been empty, we would surely have been kicked out! We laughed until our cheeks were numb and our tear ducts were dry. The moral of the story is our characteristic compatibility allows us to enjoy each others company, without forcing it.

Being compatible is not just about laughing at a movie though. Its about being able to consult one another’s opinion and have the same ideal. To be able to discuss what’s important to you and not just be in endless agreement, but bring a different angle of the story. It’s the same coin, just a different side. You can talk anywhere from Spirituality to your political position. Yes, there will be moments of disagreement, and that’s because we are human. But disagreeing with me doesn’t mean to disown me. Differences actually help better understand the individual. You never know, you might even change your position after a valid explanation. And isn’t that what dating is all about, a means to understand someone?

You hear me, but you ain’t listening.

Chemistry is just being able to interact. Take the same story of going to the movies. Now let’s say I went to the movies with someone else to see The Love Guru in stead of that special someone. This new person may laugh, but its not the same. We laugh because it’s funny at times, but there is no connection. We may have the chemistry to like movies in general, but we don’t like the SAME movies. We do not laugh at the same things. Chemistry will bring you to the movies, but compatibility allows you to enjoy the movie TOGETHER. The experience is just that much more enchanting.

Someone asked, “Can the compatibility be there, but the chemistry be lost?” The answer is the chemistry is not lost, the romance has just ceased. And what is the definition of romance? Lorenz Tate said it best in the movie “Love Jones.” Tate said, “Romance is about the possibility.” “So when people say the romance is dead, that’s not true. What they really mean, is they have exhausted the possibilities.”

I got more coming so just hold on til next time…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OWWWW! Give me more!

~Teia B