Monday, April 20, 2009

"Moving Mountains"

While being in a class once, the teacher made a very clear and concise presentation on the meaning of faith. Let me tell you the story...

"Class, I would like to demonstrate to you the meaning of faith. Take this rubber ball in my hand. Its soft, squishy, and when it is exherted by force against a dense object, it bounces. As so (Teacher displays the ball's ability to bounce.) So now that you know this ball can bounce, Myron, would you mind displaying the fact that it can bounce again for the class." I attempt to bounce the ball, but it doesn't bounce. There is confusion written all on my face. I look at the teacher for an explanation.

"There it is ladies and gentleman. Faith. The moral of the story is not that fact that the ball did not bounce when I gave it to him. In fact, I switched the balls and gave Myron a different one that doesn't bounce. Whats important is Myron just knew, without the shadow of a doubt that when he threw the ball it would bounce. No questions asked. He knew it, he believed it. He witnessed it before. That is faith and how it should be. Its what God wants. For you to believe in him blindly and to trust he will do what he says he will do. God is the ball, which is the instrument of faith or reason to believe it to be true, while the bible and our every day lives is the proof that the ball bounces."

This story came to me while I was preparing to fall asleep last night. Yes I made it up, but I hope it was as powerful for you as it was for me. God will deliver everything he promised, even if sometimes you reach out to make the ball bounce and it doesn't. That's because we need to move on God's time and not our own. The moment you rush God or begin to doubt him is when the ball doesn't bounce. And that's because its a trick of the enemy, an imitation ball. Just like how the teacher switched balls on me in the dream, the enemy will make something look like God, but it aint. So check the content for its authenticity. Then you will know why some rubber balls just aren't bouncing back like they are suppose too.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

"Holy Suicide"

"People are dying to please others and themselves, instead of dying to please God. And I do not mean that in a literal sense, I mean it in a way of always looking for ways to please one another and being overly anxious to do so, instead of driving that same passion towards God." - Myron Hargrove

“Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.”- Luke 9:23-24

In this passage, God is not asking you literally die for him. What he is asking is that you stand for him, instead of falling for others. By denying yourself and that all you do or accomplish is accredited to God, you give Him the glory in all things. But by doing this and confessing with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ, enemies are sure to follow you and persecute you. The enemy is always looking to test you and prove that God's existence is not only not real in you, but sometimes, not real at all. How many times have we been confronted by people who don't attend church and, "Church is so fake and nothing but a business. Everything you say not to do while you are in service, you do as soon as you leave." They have a point. Some people do act the same as "the world" in shadows, which is when they feel God is not looking. But they are some of us who Let our light so shine from within us and show that God is real.

The biggest impact you can have is not the words you use, but the actions you take. More people are watching you than people that are listening to you. This is why God said, "take up his cross daily and follow him." Think about this. When Jesus was being crucified, there was a multitude of people below him, watching him, waiting for him to pull himself off the cross and prove He is Lord. People do they same to us, they put us on the cross everyday and judge us and wait for us to prove that God is real within us. Its subliminal, because they don't really want you to come down off the cross, they don't want Jesus to show he has power over all things including simple nails in my hands and feet. They do not want to be proven wrong. Because then there is accountability at that point for there actions and people want to live free and without rules and they look at religion as rules. And to a great extent it is. But Christianity is more than rules, more than a religion, its a lifestyle. And people are already comfortable with their own lifestyle and they do not want to change. So I just encourage you to show them how beneficial this way of life is, instead of just telling them about it. "Actions speak louder than words."

Just something to think on.

"Love is Blind" - Pt 2

First off,  you must/will be equally yoked when God joins you together.

As an example of NOT being equal, I was talking to my brother-in-law yesterday and he was telling me a story of his ex from some years ago. One day they were hungry and he requested pancakes. Pancakes being an easy request, she got right on it. As she was cooking the pancakes, she ended up making mistakes and messing the pancakes. So instead of starting over again and trying a new approach, she pouted like a child, threw the pancakes and the PAN in the garbage and told him with an attitude, "We aint having no pancakes today."

Now I will give you a moment to stop laughing (I know I was) and lets look at the big picture of that. Her actions/attitude was a DIRECT reflection of her inner core. It was clear that she does not handle pressure well and when things do not go her way, she scraps the whole idea and gives up. Who wants to be married to that?

I fear some of you will Question the title of the entry seeing as how the focus is not necessarily love, but of unconditionally loving God so much you have blind faith in him. Some have requested that I go into more detail about the love itself. At this moment I have no bible verses to back up what I am saying, so just take it as a life experience I am speaking on.

Unconditional love has come to me as loving without prejudice. It's a blind love not in the idea of not seeing the truth about someone, but in fact the exact opposite, knowing all there is to know about someone and loving them anyway. This love is a hard love to accomplish and I have found that it can only produced by God and not by man. Since we are born into the flesh, we naturally only accept the people who we like, for whatever reason that may be.  Thats who we hang around, call on the phone, and attend events with. But an unconditional love runs deeper than the heart of the oceans. Stronger than the most durable metals. And more beautiful than the most precious diamonds. Now, I'm sorry, but as a human being, I can not love just anyone with that much intensity. For me, they have to earn that kind of love. And that is why God is who he is. We don't deserve a single thing, but he loved us anyway. Loved us so much he gave his only Son. Now thats a father for you. 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

"Love is Blind"

We have all heard the saying that love is blind. But I think there are two sides of that coin. Follow me around the room for a second here...

We are accustom to the definition meaning when we are in a relationship, there are things that we don't see because we are busy falling in love. We are on this emotional roller coaster moving so fast that we miss out on the scenery surrounding the "ride" we are on. While this is still true, people do get stuck in that box, I want to talk about the mysterious definition no one speaks on. A love that God meant for us to strive for; an unconditional, trusting love.

The next question becomes, "Well, what kind of love is that then? Give me an example." I am going to give you more than an example. I am going to give you God. I was thinking about a bible verse that says "we walk by faith, and not by sight." This verse is so powerful to me I can not even begin to tell you, but here is my most solemn attempt. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." If we are following God so faithfully, we should not even be distracted by the things around us because we can't even see it. If we put him in charge of our every step, how can we fall? Our love should be so blind that we can walk through the valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil. We can't see the foggy mist that wouldn't allow us to drive down the road because God is in the drivers seat. God guides us as if we are children, because like all children, we are disobedient and we want to do things our way. Stubborn. The enemy can place MANY distractions to try and have us falling by the wayside. Just have to trust God.